Desmedt, Yvo G.

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Yvo Desmedt is the Jonsson Distinguished Professor in Computer Science. His research interests include computer security, critical infrastructure, entity authentication, information hiding, malware, network security and cyberterrorism. currently he is focusing on:

  • Access Control
  • Anonymity and Internet Voting
  • Bridging Theory and Practice
  • Combinatorics
  • Cryptanalysis
  • Distributed Network Security
  • Economic Models for Information Security
  • Privacy in Social Networks
  • Public Key Cryptography


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    Perfect Anonymity
    (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2019-01-18) Desmedt, Yvo; Piper, F.; Desmedt, Yvo
    For 35 years, the cryptographic community has created the impression that anonymous communication is always possible. Chaum's dining cryptographer's solution is regarded as achieving unconditional security. Chaum's MIX approach, namely, applying a uniformly random permutation on the plaintexts to be sent, is often given as a definition for anonymity. However, people working in law enforcement know that attempts by whistle-blowers and criminals to remain at large, often fail. The content of the message may reveal the name of the sender or may leak for whom the message is really intended. To understand this issue, we give a definition of perfect anonymity. We contrast our definition with Chaum's approach and discuss the impact on Chaum's dining cryptographer's solution.

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