Transforming Entity-Relationship Diagrams to Relational Schemas Using a Graph Grammar Formalism




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Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.


As a formal tool extended from string grammars, graph grammars provide an intuitive yet formal way to define and transform various visual languages. This paper proposes an approach to transform Entity-Relationship diagrams (E-R diagrams) to relational schemas using a graph grammar formalism. We briefly introduce the edge-based graph grammar, on which a set of productions is designed for specifying the syntax of E-R diagrams. The set of productions can be used to verify the validity of any given E-R diagram. In addition, a procedure of transforming a given E-R diagram to a relational schema is added into the parsing process. Via the graph grammar, the automatic transformation is rigorous yet concise. We finally provide an example E-R diagram for a business management system and its transformation into relational schemas to demonstrate the specification, transformation and analyzing the power of our approach. ©2018 IEEE.


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Entity-relationship modeling, Graph grammars, Parsing (Computer grammar), Data mining, Graph theory, Graphic methods, Semantics (Philosophy), Visual programming languages (Computer science), Formal languages

This work is partially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under grant 61170089 and 61572348, and China Scholarship Council (CSC) under the Grant CSC No. 201706710082.


©2018 IEEE

