Cleaning Graphene with a Titanium Sacrificial Layer


Graphene is a promising material for future electronic applications and chemical vapor deposition of graphene on copper is a promising method for synthesizing graphene on the wafer scale. The processing of such graphene films into electronic devices introduces a variety of contaminants which can be difficult to remove. An approach to cleaning residues from the graphene channel is presented in which a thin layer of titanium is deposited via thermal e-beam evaporation and immediately removed. This procedure does not damage the graphene as evidenced by Raman spectroscopy, greatly enhances the electrical performance of the fabricated graphene field effect transistors, and completely removes the chemical residues from the surface of the graphene channel as evidenced by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy.



Graphene, Titanium, Electronics, Cleaning compounds

"This work was supported in part by the Center for Low Energy Systems Technology (LEAST), one of six centers supported by the STARnet phase of the Focus Center Research Program (FCRP), a Semiconductor Research Corporation program sponsored by MARCO and DARPA. This work was also supported by funding from the NSF MRSEC: The Georgia Tech Laboratory for New Electronic Materials (Award No. 0820382)."


©2014 AIP Publishing LLC


Joiner, C. A., T. Roy, Z. R. Hesabi, B. Chakrabarti, et al. 2014. "Cleaning graphene with a titanium sacrificial layer." Applied Physics Letters 104(22): 223109-1 to 3.