Missing Magnetism in Sr₄Ru₃O₁₀: Indication for Antisymmetric Exchange Interaction



Metamagnetism occuring inside a ferromagnetic phase is peculiar. Therefore, Sr₄Ru₃O₁₀, a T_C = 105 K ferromagnet, has attracted much attention in recent years, because it develops a pronounced metamagnetic anomaly below T_C for magnetic fields applied in the crystallographic ab-plane. The metamagnetic transition moves to higher fields for lower temperatures and splits into a double anomaly at critical fields H_{c1} = 2.3 T and H_{c2} = 2.8 T, respectively. Here, we report a detailed study of the different components of the magnetization vector as a function of temperature, applied magnetic field, and varying angle in Sr₄Ru₃O₁₀. We discover for the first time a reduction of the magnetic moment in the plane of rotation at the metamagnetic transition. The anomaly shifts to higher fields by rotating the field from H ⟂ c to H ∥ c. We compare our experimental findings with numerical simulations based on spin reorientation models taking into account magnetocrystalline anisotropy, Zeeman effect and antisymmetric exchange interactions. While Magnetocrystalline anisotropy combined with a Zeeman term are sufficient to explain a metamagnetic transition in Sr₄Ru₃O₁₀, a Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya term is crucial to account for the reduction of the magnetic moment as observed in the experiments.



Ferromagnetism, Crystals, Anisotropy, Magnetic crystals


National Science Foundation, Division of Material Research under Grant NSF-DMR-1157490.


CC BY 4.0 (Attribution), ©2017 The Authors
