Chun, YongwanKwan, Mei-PoGriffith, Daniel A.2020-07-312020-07-312019-01-171365-8816 to copyright restrictions and/or publisher's policy full text access from Treasures at UT Dallas is limited to current UTD affiliates (use the provided Link to Article).EditorialNo abstract available.en©2019 Informa UK Ltd.Computer scienceGeographyPhysical geographyGeospatial dataUncertainty and Context in GIScience and Geography: Challenges in the Era of Geospatial Big DataChun, Yongwan, Mei-Po Kwan, and Daniel A. Griffith. 2019. "Uncertainty and context in GIScience and geography: challenges in the era of geospatial big data." International Journal of Geographical Information Science 33(6): 1131-1134, doi: 10.1080/13658816.2019.1566552336