Liu, Y.Zeng, X.Zhang, KangZou, Y.2020-02-202020-02-202018-129781538676707 to copyright restrictions and/or publisher's policy full text access from Treasures at UT Dallas is limited to current UTD affiliates (use the provided Link to Article).As a formal tool extended from string grammars, graph grammars provide an intuitive yet formal way to define and transform various visual languages. This paper proposes an approach to transform Entity-Relationship diagrams (E-R diagrams) to relational schemas using a graph grammar formalism. We briefly introduce the edge-based graph grammar, on which a set of productions is designed for specifying the syntax of E-R diagrams. The set of productions can be used to verify the validity of any given E-R diagram. In addition, a procedure of transforming a given E-R diagram to a relational schema is added into the parsing process. Via the graph grammar, the automatic transformation is rigorous yet concise. We finally provide an example E-R diagram for a business management system and its transformation into relational schemas to demonstrate the specification, transformation and analyzing the power of our approach. ©2018 IEEE.en©2018 IEEEEntity-relationship modelingGraph grammarsParsing (Computer grammar)Data miningGraph theoryGraphic methodsSemantics (Philosophy)Visual programming languages (Computer science)Formal languagesTransforming Entity-Relationship Diagrams to Relational Schemas Using a Graph Grammar FormalismarticleLiu, Y., X. Zeng, K. Zhang, and Y. Zou. 2019. "Transforming Entity-Relationship Diagrams to Relational Schemas Using a Graph Grammar Formalism." 2018 IEEE International Conference on Progress in Informatics and Computing: 327-331, doi: 10.1109/PIC.2018.8706334