Thampy, SampreethaAshburn, NickolasLiu, C.Xiong, K.Dillon, SeanZheng, YongpingChabal, Yves J.Cho, KyeongjaeHsu, Julia W. P.2020-07-212020-07-2120192044-4753 to copyright restrictions and/or publisher's policy full text access from Treasures at UT Dallas is limited to current UTD affiliates (use the provided Link to Article).By studying their surface chemistry, metal-oxygen bond strength, and critical energy barrier heights, we elucidate the differences in the NO oxidation catalytic performance of PrMn₂O₅ and SmMn₂O₅ mullite-type oxides. The 50% conversion temperature is lower (230 °C vs. 275 °C) and the maximum conversion efficiency is higher (81% at 282 °C vs. 68% at 314 °C) for PrMn₂O₅ compared to SmMn₂O₅, despite having a ∼15% lower specific surface area. Furthermore, PrMn₂O₅ exhibits higher maximum efficiency compared to Pt/Al₂O₃. Combined experimental and theoretical findings indicate that the superior catalytic performance of PrMn₂O₅ at low temperatures arises from the presence of more labile and reactive surface lattice oxygen due to weaker Mn-O bond strength and lower thermal stability of surface NOₓ ad-species. ©2019 The Royal Society of Chemistry.en©2019OxidationMulliteOxygenPlatinum compoundsPraseodymium compoundsSamarium compoundsSilicate mineralsSurface chemistryThermodynamic equilibriumLow temperaturesManganese compoundsSuperior Low-Temperature NO Catalytic Performance of PrMn₂O₅ over SmMn₂O₅ Mullite-Type CatalystsarticleThampy, S., N. Ashburn, C. Liu, K. Xiong, et al. 2019. "Superior lowerature NO catalytic performance of PrMn₂O₅ over SmMn₂O₅ mullite-type catalysts." Catalysis Science and Technology 9(11): 2758-2766, doi: 10.1039/c9cy00490d911