Tran, Anh T.2020-07-242020-07-242019-010386-2194 show that the fundamental group of the 3-manifold obtained by p/q-surgery along the (n - 2)-twisted (3, 3m + 2)-torus knot, with n, m ≥ 1, is not left-orderable if p/q ≥ 2n + 6m - 3 and is left-orderable if p/q is sufficiently close to 0.en©2019 The Japan AcademyDehn surgery (Topology)Orderable groupsKnot theoryMathematicsTwisted torus knotsLeft-Orderability for Surgeries on Twisted Torus KnotsarticleTran, Anh T., 2019. "Left-orderability for surgeries on twisted torus knots." Proceedings of the Japan Academy Series A, Mathematical Sciences 95(1): 6-10, doi: