Chen, LunjinSun, J.Lu, Q.Gao, X.Xia, ZhiyangZhima, Zeren2016-09-262016-09-262016-01-082016-01-082169-9380 waves, also known as equatorial noise emission, were found to have discrete frequency structures, which is consistent with instability caused by proton ring distribution. Nonetheless, nondiscrete structure, i.e., a broadband spectrum over a continuous frequency range, has been reported. We investigate the question whether proton ring distribution can generate nondiscrete spectra for perpendicularly propagating magnetosonic waves. We propose discrete and nondiscrete characteristics of the local instability for explaining the observation of discrete, continuous, and mixed spectra. The criterion for transition from discrete and continuous instability is given, γ > ~ Ω(h)/2, where γ is wave growth rate and Ω(h) is proton cyclotron frequency. The condition is verified by particle-in-cell simulation using more realistic electron-to-proton mass ratio and speed of light than in previous studies. Such criterion of generating a continuous spectrum can be tested against simultaneous in situ measurement of wave and particle. We also find that the modes at low Ω(h) harmonics, including the fundamental Ω(h'), can be still excited through nonlinear wave-wave coupling, even when they are neutral modes (γ = 0) according to the linear kinetic theory. Comparison with magnetosonic waves in cold plasma limit and electromagnetic ion Bernstein mode is also discussed.en©2016 American Geophysical UnionFrequency spectraMagnetospheric physicsProtonsElectromagnetic noiseGeneration of Magnetosonic Waves Over a Continuous SpectrumArticleChen, L., J. Sun, Q. Lu, X. Gao, et al. 2016. "Generation of magnetosonic waves over a continuous spectrum." Journal of Geophysical Research A: Space Physics 121(2), doi:10.1002/2015JA022089 .