Liu, YuanzhiZhang, Jie2020-03-242020-03-242019-06-110306-2619 to copyright restrictions and/or publisher's policy full text access from Treasures at UT Dallas is limited to current UTD affiliates (use the provided Link to Article).Battery thermal management system is of great importance to the performance and safety of electric vehicles. The conventional U- and Z-type air-based structures may fail to meet the thermal requirements under changing working conditions. This paper proposes a novel J-type air-based battery thermal management system by integrating the U-type and Z-type structures. A comparative parametric study of key design variables and priori optimized structures is first conducted with a newly developed battery electro-thermal model. Based on the parametric analyses, the grouped-channel optimizations are performed using surrogate-based optimization. Results show that there are 35.3%, 46.6%, and 31.18% reduction in temperature rise for U-, Z-, and J-type, respectively. The pros and cons of the J-type structure are further explored by comparing with the optimal U- and Z-type structures. A further J-type optimization regarding the manifold configuration is also conducted to show that the optimal settings of the air-based cooling system vary across working conditions, and the J-type structure is able to be adaptively controlled to satisfy the cooling requirement. Corresponding experiments are also conducted to validate the modeling and optimization results. © 2019 Elsevier Ltden©2019 Elsevier Ltd. All Rights Reserved.Surrogate-based optimizationElectric vehiclesBattery management systemsDesign a J-Type Air-Based Battery Thermal Management System Through Surrogate-Based OptimizationarticleLiu, Y., and J. Zhang. 2019. "Design a J-type air-based battery thermal management system through surrogate-based optimization." Applied Energy 252: art. 113426, doi: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2019.113426252