2012-06-272012-06-2720062012-06-27http://hdl.handle.net/10735.1/2147UTD athletic department staff listed are Chris Gage, Albert Buckles, Larry Gardner, Bruce Unrue, Deanna Fitts, Shermin Romer and Kurt Kammerer. Coaching staff members mentioned are Shane Shewmake, Terry Butterfield, Polly Thomason, Brandon Rains, Nora Pitpitan, Eddie Bull, Jack Peel, John Antonisse, Kim Sotomayor, Bryan Whitt, Marci Sanders, Chet Cook, Heather Martinelli, Zach Villarreal and Cody Worden.Works in Treasures @ UT Dallas are made available exclusively for educational purposes such as research or instruction. Literary rights, including copyright for published works held by the creator(s) or their heirs, or other third parties may apply. All rights are reserved unless otherwise indicated by the copyright owner(s).UT Dallas athletic departmentUT Dallas coaching staffComet Sports 06-07University of Texas at Dallas Intercollegiate AthleticsTextThe University of Texas at Dallas