Weisberg, Joseph A.2009-07-152009-07-152009-07-15http://hdl.handle.net/10735.1/1436Airport scene of portside of nose of American Airlines "Skysleeper" - Flagship Massachusetts - being loaded with cargo behind automobile driven by woman.Black and white photographPermission to reproduce or publish in any format the materials on this site must be obtained from the Special Collections Department, McDermott Library, The University of Texas at Dallas.Sleeper transport airplanesDC-3 sleeper transportDouglas transport airplanesDouglas Sleeper Transport (DST)Douglas DC 3DC 3DC-3Douglas Aircraft CompanySky sleeperTransport airplanesSkysleeperAirplanesAeronauticsAmerican Airlines, inc.AirportsWeisberg, Joseph A.Douglas Sleeper TransportImage displayed (72 dpi JPEG), Master image (300 dpi TIFF)5JW-27-5-PB17