Weisberg, Joseph A.2009-07-152009-07-152009-07-15http://hdl.handle.net/10735.1/1429Starboard side view of Curtiss JN-4D with "Love Field, SC34018; COMMANDING OFFICER" on the side of the fuselage. Individual in cockpit is assumed to be the C.O.Black and white photographPermission to reproduce or publish in any format the materials on this site must be obtained from the Special Collections Department, McDermott Library, The University of Texas at Dallas.Weisberg, Joseph A.Aeronautics.United StatesTexasAirports --Dallas.Love Field (Dallas, Tex.)Dallas Love FieldCurtiss JennyJN-4 JennyCurtiss JN-4 JennyAirplanesCurtiss aircraftCurtiss Aeroplane and Motor CorporationCurtiss-Wright CorporationCurtiss Aeroplane and Motor Company, inc.Love Field Commanding OfficerImage displayed (72 dpi JPEG), Master image (300 dpi TIFF)5JW-15-2-PB26