The Bryce and Jonelle Jordan Scholarship for Creative and Performing Arts

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The Bryce and Jonelle Jordan Scholarship Fund was established to provide financial support for undergraduate students in any of the creative and performing arts. The School of Arts and Humanities awards these scholarships in the Art and Performance area, which includes music, theatre, dance, creative writing and the visual arts (including ATEC). Scholarships are awarded to students who are or will be full-time students. Preference is given to students who major within the School of Arts and Humanities but may also be awarded to students who minor in the arts.

Bryce Jordan was the first president of UT Dallas, serving from 1971-81. He held a doctorate in music from UT Austin and served as Professor of Music and chairman of the department. It was his vision for the university that it be heavilly science-oriented, but include quality programs in the social sciences and humanities. Moreover, he charted the course for UTD to become as interdisciplinary as possible.


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